Friday, May 9, 2014

Introducing Blondes that DIY

I am JaguarJulie one of the #blondesthatDIY
Hello! I am JaguarJulie, one of the #blondesthatDIY
Welcome to our new blog, Blondes that DIY. You know that you've probably heard all those dumb blonde jokes throughout the years. And, probably laughed at a good many. I can admit that maybe I chuckled at a few, but it occurred to me that there were and are a lot of us blondes who are pretty smart!


There are also many blondes that do it yourself seriously enough to compete with the big boys.

To describe me you would need to know that I am tenacious ... I am:
te·na·cious \tə-ˈnā-shəs\ adjective : not easily stopped or pulled apart : firm or strong : continuing for a long time : very determined to do something
The Origin of #blondesthatDIY

Twitter, Wednesday, May 7, 2014, 5:51pm: I tweeted about my DIY project:
At 6:12pm, I received a twitter reply:
First the hashtag then the blog!

There was a little conversation about #blondesthatDIY pulling in Susan Deppner (@susan52). Then that hashtag rested until the morning of May 9th.

Friday, May 9, 2014, 10:23am: In my email to Bonnie: Subject: IDEA! #blondesthatDIY - Bonnie!!! We need to do something with this ...

Friday, May 9, 2014, 10:27am: Reply email from Bonnie:  You should start a blog called "Blondes That DIY" too, it could combine humor and tips and fun stuff and you could use your expertise as the Squidoo back yard garden contributor! Might be a fun niche that takes off! I just started "That DIY Lady" for fun: We could share each others stuff : )

Friday, May 9, 2014, 10:35am: My reply to Bonnie: Hmmm ... another blog! Well, that is a thought since I am comfortable with blogging! Gosh, I don't have enough hours in the day ... I was just laughing to myself about ideas I have but require being on the computer ... and taking me away from my actual gardening!! News at 11.


Friday, May 9, 2014, 10:42am: My reply to Bonnie: I have "booked" the url ... ... but have to clear my head on all the set-up and stuff. ribbit: news at 11.

So, this gives you a little idea of how this blog came to be. Between us blonde gals, there was a germ of an idea that set this all into motion.

Are YOU one of the #blondesthatDIY or maybe you are a guy married to one of the #blondesthatDIY. Hey there, don't be shy ... reach out and become a part of this #DIY project. Got some ideas or suggestions - hey, we are all ears. Blondes are very open-minded and make great listeners.